General public publications scalar waves and others > WATER AND ITS VALUES - Copy


What are the ideal values of the water we drink. There is no panacea in fact because a demineralized person (a very dry little grandma for example) will need highly mineralized water unlike a big businessman who will need lightly mineralized water.

However, there are some fundamental criteria to respect in order to drink “CLEAN” water for consumption and also which allows us to produce quality remedies.

Several variables must be measured.

The first is the measurement of TDS.

“Dissolved Solids” refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved in water. This includes any element present in the water other than H2O molecules, including suspended solids such as sawdust for example. TDS is therefore the sum of all these elements expressed in PPM (particle per million); it is a weight ratio between the ions present and the water. A TDS meter measures the condictivity (EC) of water; pure water having a conductivity of 0 (we will see the table of the conductivity of water later). It then multiplies EC in mS/cm by 640 to obtain the TDS in PPM. The American regulatory body EPA advises a maximum contamination level (MCL) of 500mg/l or 500 PPM. There are different prices and above all a large range of products on the internet. Some are reliable, others not so much.

Our reference in this area is the HANNA instrument laboratory which offers several TDSMeters including one the H98301 DIST 1 at €65 excluding VAT (below) which is good equipment, but also more sophisticated devices. The same goes for pH meters and conductivity meters.

Another example of a TDS meter is the HI 99300. Much more professional.

pH measurement.

The hydrogen potential, noted pH, is a measure of the chemical activity of hydrons (commonly called protons or hydrogen ions) in solution. Particularly in aqueous solution, these ions are present in the form of hydronium ions (the simplest of oxonium ions).

More often, pH measures the acidity or basicity of a solution, thus in the water medium at 24°C

a solution of pH 7 is said to be neutral

a solution with a pH<7 is said to be acidic, the more its pH decreases, the more acidic it is

a solution with a pH>7 is said to be basic; the more its pH increases, the more basic it is.

The reference is pure water with a pH of 7.

The HI99192 pH meter

Conductivity measurement.

Conductivity is a way of measuring the content of different ions dissolved in water (such as chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron), which allow the passage of electricity. Measured in micro siemens per cm, electrical conductivity is determined using a conductivity meter. Each natural water has its unique level of conductivity which will depend on the rocky substrate present in its path. Geology and geography are therefore determining factors in the level of conductivity present in water.New Paragraph

Reference values: 0 to 500 μS/cm. We use a conductivity meter.

Conductivity values table.

Other measurements can be taken but these three measurements are fundamental to determining “clean” water.

.These images of devices are given as examples and are not an invitation to acquire them.

Water filtration.

Water filtration is a gas plant between merchants who sell devices that are supposedly totally effective, and the publicity generated for quite a few years on the subject, it is difficult to navigate.

So this is what we show you above which seems to us to show some common sense. The goal is to eliminate as much waste as possible, while being careful not to make the water too pure by removing certain important mineral elements.

Watch this clip to form your opinion.



We therefore carry out various and varied analyzes mainly with our HI 98 494 device but also with other devices such as the HI99 300 presented above. Below is a film showing our work.

Water analyzes

Following these numerous analyzes on various filtration and reverse osmosis devices, the device that appeared to us to be the most reliable is undoubtedly the NATURAQUEL.

TheRANAT company which distributes this equipment in French-speaking Europe is located in Bas Valais (French-speaking Valais) in Switzerland. Here is how they present their device below:

NATURAQUELL® water purification systems using reverse osmosis and including dynamization allow you to enjoy healthy, natural water that is valuable for the body at all times. Cleaned of unwanted substances and revitalized by Dr. Aschoff's highly effective process, this water is perfectly adapted to the needs of the human body.

For your orders:

THERANAT SACHE-393.062.013Rue de Conthey 3CH-1963 VétrozTel: 41 21 922 35 18Email:

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