WELCOME to the scalar waves website

How strange and of little interest are the whims of public opinion!

What account should we take of her judgments, when she herself breaks them so easily?

Samuel Christian Hahnemann

A new series of videos to watch for free on the NLSA website on the “professional videos” page.


Contact the webmaster directly.


The water we drink 2

It seems difficult to obtain the device that we tested on the “NEW ITEMS” page.

We therefore looked for an equivalent device.

We found one, which we tested. The results are very interesting.

Below is the link to this device.

We have made an experimental clip that you can download with the link below.


The “80 videos for the NLSA” files have been released.

80 training clips with a header allowing you to choose a file on a particular subject.

TIMING and LIST of 80 videos

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Purchase order

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DN Frequencies are exceptionally efficient. Unfortunately it's a hassle to find your way around. Chinese comrades must not be familiar with repertorization. To navigate efficiently, Dr. Ducret and I created an alphanumeric list to quickly determine the frequency to use. Below you will find the elements to download (PDF file from Dr Ducret) as well as an explanatory video from Dr Ducret.

These files and downloads are free and usable for everyone.

So we simply reversed the name and code and classified it alphabetically. So once we have found what we are looking for, we write down the code, we go into the spooky program and we quickly find the frequency. (File in Excel or PDF with an interest in the PDF file which is recognized by the Spooky software).

This work carried out by Dr Ducret and modestly by Dr De Bard is there to prove how the applications of Spooky, which are really interesting, are sometimes difficult to apply because they are poorly explained. Confusing medical applications with consumer applications is not appropriate. To be at the "top" with Spooky, we invite you to follow the SPOOKY FOR PROS course, in which you will find Dr Ducret and De Bard.

We don't have oil but we have ideas...

List of DH Alphabetical Frequencies (Attention only currently works on MAC)

Download file

File of David Halliday's frequencies classified in alphanumeric order (alphabetical order). Works perfectly on PC and can enter directly into the Spooky software as explained in the clip.

Download file

Below is the link to the clip, free and without password, just click.

Towards the explanatory CLIP

The SPOOKY course for PROS is online.

Ask for the program...


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The order form can be loaded with the link below.


New used equipment on the second-hand sales page.

Exchanges/occasions page


Presentation of the method

This clip is the most viewed in our library (200 titles currently).

Faced with the influx of people interested in the method, I decided to do ZOOMs regularly to give more explanations about the method.

The next ones, reserved for members of the association, will be held at the beginning of the year. We will modify the presentations thanks to the new data acquired in recent months.

You must register because the number of people is voluntarily limited to 10 in order to be able to answer questions and create an exchange.

Please send an email with the link below. You will receive the link a few days before the ZOOM date.

Email contact

Fix for David Halliday frequencies which had disappeared from the "Miscellanous" chapter of the "Preset" Spooky.

Sébastien Mercier enlightened us to find these frequencies now placed directly in the PRESETs.

A video on the pros page.

The courses we offer are EXCLUSIVELY reserved for medical, paramedical, pharmacist, heilpraktiker and qualified naturopaths professions. We fraternally supervise colleagues who wish to receive this training in order to best guide them in effective learning.

How many machines bought on impulse rot in the cupboards?

How many people to whom we have sold a dream by making them believe that they will be able to treat simply by using this or that machine, realize, a little late, of their incapacity.

There are no limits to salespeople's lies.

Their only goal is to sell...

Equipping yourself with a machine without serious training is a mistake.

Caring is a job!

The SCALAR WAVES course in video.

The only existing course carried out with doctors, dentists and naturopaths who are experienced users of scalar waves.

This course is in French. It is reserved for certified health professionals. You can write to us to check your eligibility.

Below you will find the flyer and the registration form to send to

Download file

Download file

To the “COURSES” page

For all Sulis Remedy Maker users, Patrick D. has translated the two RATES books into French. You will find the PDFs on the PROS page.


A brand new article by Dr DUCRET on the treatment of an Escherichia Coli infection (resistant to antibiotics) using scalar waves. In PROS Pages.



Countdown finished!

Adjusting videos on the site.

Sometimes (very rarely) it can happen that the videos on the site are blurry. It's a video definition problem. The software from Vimeo, the hosting site, has hiccups from time to time. Thus the definition of a film can suddenly drop to 240p, even though it is shot in 4K (3840p). The solution is very simple, just watch this clip.



This association under Swiss law formed by a group of doctors, dentists and experienced naturopaths has set itself the goal of making known in the most objective manner possible the therapeutic possibilities of scalar waves and torsion fields from a scientific point of view.

The site is based in Lichtenstein.

​​​​​​​This site was built thanks to the company DHTMCiné which produced all the videos for free.

We will present to you in turn scientific explanations on the phenomenon of scalar waves, the various generating devices, functional state correctors, operating modes, recent measuring devices, health checks and practical experiments. We are seasoned and experienced practitioners in the field of energetic and functional medicine. We use scalar waves therapeutically.

This man is called Alain Boudet, he is a doctor in Physical Sciences and he writes numerous articles on scalar waves and torsion fields. His language is very close to ours, which is logical since we are all scientists who are moving in this direction.

He accepted that we cite him and also his status as a unanimously voted honorary member of the office. We have therefore created a link to his publications, including those concerning torsion fields. Find several video conferences from Alain Boudet on the professional pages.

LINK to article

Commentary on this article by the Honorary President.

I am very happy with the complete text by Alain Boudet.

Indeed, after having drawn on what I learned c/o Alexandre and in my research on the Internet, I came across this text, put here in full, which corresponded to what I would have wanted to write, where recognition loans.

For the record, I put below the part of the film OS1-1 where I quoted it on the site where it appeared during my research, and in the first part of our series. This had been a bit missed, perhaps I hadn't been incisive enough.

So delighted that our president had contact with him and received this magnificent, easy-to-read text in and which is a sum of knowledge.

Course OS1-1 following Heisenberg, your slide "wave function" and the short film."...As a result, the measurements do not express certainties, but only probabilities represented by the wave function (quantum ). For physicists, the wave function is a mathematical and statistical abstraction which makes it possible to reduce (but not completely) quantum uncertainty. Read: Alain Boudet"

Nicolas Stelling

“Great minds have always encountered fierce opposition from mediocre minds.”


Two main types of waves:

1 - Electromagnetic waves (EOM), are a poorly penetrating light energy, they propagate transversely in the form of a sinusoid, and the interaction particle is the photon.

2 - Scalar waves are very penetrating in biological environments, propagate in a vortex longitudinally and the interacting particle is the neutrino.

In summary, the electro-magnetic wave generates energy, the scalar wave generates energy and... information.

Longitudinal waves.

It was Nikola Tesla who was the first to describe the properties of neutrinos. He even wanted to have measured the particles.

He wrote in the New York Times: "...until I obtained in 1898 mathematical and experimental proof that the sun and similar celestial objects emit energy-rich radiation, which consists of particles incredibly small and which have a speed which is considerably higher than that of light"*

* Excerpt from the book “neutrino power” by Prof. Konstantin Meyl

“The penetrating power of this radiation is so great that it can pass through thousands of kilometers of solid matter without its speed being significantly reduced.”

With these high penetrating capabilities, Tesla described a special property that only neutrino radiation possesses.

This is why Nikola Tesla can be considered the discoverer of neutrinos, which were explained by Wolfgang Pauli a few years later.


Developed in the mid-1970s and enriched since then, the standard model is the centerpiece used in particle physics to explain phenomena observable at this scale and understand the structure of matter. Based on discoveries made over more than a hundred years, this theoretical model organizes and describes the elementary building blocks (fermions) which constitute matter, and the fundamental modes of interaction which govern them. It distinguishes twelve fermions - six quarks and six leptons and their antiparticles of the same mass but opposite charge -, divided into three families, and bosons which orchestrate three of the four fundamental forces of the Universe - strong, weak and electromagnetic.

If the majority of experimental results always coincide with its theoretical principles, certain imperfections become evident. And for several years, researchers have been pursuing new physics, beyond the standard model. In their quest, they are interested in the neutrino, an elementary lepton that is still very enigmatic but whose improved knowledge promises to revolutionize the perception of the Universe.

With a neutral charge and a mass at least 465,000 times less than that of the electron, the neutrino fascinates with its ghostly singularity: it interacts very little with matter, a million billion times less than the electron, and only by weak force. Which explains why he remained under the radar for a long time. Generated massively in the heart of the Sun, during cosmic cataclysms or by cosmic rays from the atmosphere, neutrinos travel without making a wave and every second, 65 billion of them pass through every cm2 of the Earth and its inhabitants, like a Wall pass.

Considered in 1930 by the physicists Wolfgang Pauli and James Chadwick, their existence was proven in 1956 by the Americans Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan who for the first time observed them in the radiation emitted by a nuclear reactor: during nuclear fission, a nucleus of uranium breaks into two smaller, unstable nuclei, which return to stability through the emission of photons – this is gamma radioactivity – or electrons and neutrinos – this is beta (β) decay with neutrino emission.

Matthieu Vivier, researcher at the Department of Particle Physics (DPhP – Univ. Paris-Saclay, CEA) Article published on August 12, 2021 University of Paris SACLAY

In summary and to keep it simple.

Scalar waves are luminous in nature.

It is in fact so-called “non-electromagnetic” light represented by particles: neutrinos.

Neutrinos are particles like electrons (but much less mass); they come to us mainly from the sun, but also from super-novae and finally from nature (plants)

Plants create a “nuclear effect” called beta (β) decay that generates neutrinos.

Which means that :

1 - We receive neutrinos at a rate of 70 billion per cm2 per second, 24 hours a day with a slight delay during the night.

2 - Human organisms, but also animals, know neutrinos well and are used to them.

3 - You should also know that neutrinos are not stopped by ANYTHING! They cross the universe and therefore also the earth without losing a penny of energy.

4 - Finally, neutrinos are capable of receiving and transmitting INFORMATION!

Below we present some devices that we use, there are many others that you will discover in the professional pages.

How to access the professional pages?

Simply register with the association and as soon as the registration is validated you will receive the opening code for these pages.

Towards registration

With the NLSA:

The NLSA is a SCALAR bioresonance device which makes it possible to determine with interesting precision the energetic state of a patient's body. Data acquisition takes around 20 minutes but analysis is even longer, but very detailed (down to amino acids).

To the site

And Spooky2 GX

Very reliable device, easy to handle, it is very effective for performing biofeedback and above all it is programmable.

Belonging to the Spooky family, it easily connects with other generators such as the SWD below, thus allowing modulation of the carrier wave.

It is programmable for use without a computer.

To the site

Phyphy undergoing treatment with SWD. A film shows her undergoing treatment. Click below.

Credit Dr Samuel Debard

Phyphy and scalar waves

We can ask ourselves the question of researching animal pathology if we are not a veterinarian.

​​​​​​​It is clear that we must give priority to our professional colleagues, but sometimes there can be emergencies or simple curiosity can motivate us to do the best for our 4-legged companions.

One of the answers is the Scalar NLSA which allows with a strand of DNA from the animal (a hair is enough or even a clipping of a claw) to make a very complete assessment. An example below.

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